Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Magnalite - Wagner Ware Memories

Recently during my therapeutic, kitchen cabinet refurbish a treasure was found. Overwhelmed with grief… the loss too painful, especially with her recipes which seem to be a connection to her soul, I just packed them away in corners and closets in my home. Not long ago with the purchase of a wonderful little cookbook cabinet that showed up just at the perfect time... I spent hours in conversation with mom while I sifted through loose clipped recipes.

A day with mom - Mom's Recipes

I rarely ever saw her use a cook book so this treasure was amazing to me. 
Shoved into a dark corner of a lower floor cabinet I found this large, vintage, Magnalite - Wagner Ware cooking pot. WoW! Gold!

Gingerly I retrieved the buried treasure. The lid was wrapped in a ‘required’ paper bag. I can still hear her voice on visits where she inevitably ALWAYS gave me goody bags to take home, “Here put it in a paper bag.” There was no sense refusing or arguing. Over the years I’d learned rebuffing her suggestion would be futile as whatever it was she was giving me to take home would always end up in a paper or plastic bag… in fact double bagged.  One to protect it and one to carry it in. I smile now feeling a fondness for mom’s idiosyncrasies, and long for another visit or moment in the kitchen with her. 

Tenderly and anxiously I removed the lid and as it lifts... time stops... another wonderful conversation with mom.... memories of the kitchen filled with delicious, heartfelt memories flood in.

I have a rather large collection of collectibles from the 1930s through the 70s, mostly from mom and dad and my childhood home. In the 80s and 90s I would find collectibles in thrift stores and garage sales and sell them at the local antique mall where I had a sellers spot, always keeping mom and dad's for myself. Now the favorite ones, and there are many, are on display in my home. They still bring me comfort… keep my parents, my childhood and a simpler, happier time close to my heart, connect me to my roots.

If you grew up in the baby boomer era... how many of these items do you remember from your childhood?

Monday, February 27, 2017

Not sure why but this memory sprang to mind today and wave of joy filled my heart. I will always hold dear the sound of my dad's belly laugh when his friend, Wally Schirra, stated from space that out the little round window of the space capsule, Gemini 7, he saw a mock UFO sighting, as in Santa Claus, and then played the first ever song from space, "Jingle Bells", on a harmonica he had smuggled on board. This of course immediately sent sales on Hohner Harmonicas 'skyrocketing'.

I'm still smiling hours later at the memory of dad's hearty chuckle and comment about his crazy friend. No one's laugh and voice compares to my dad's... but then maybe every little girl feels this way. For me Schirra was always the one astronaut who pushed the envelope just a little bit further than the rest, bucked up against the establishment and challenged all the rules. His 'break the rules' attitude is why beyond his good looks I had such a huge crush on him 'even into my late 20s. Where John Glenn was the super squeaky clean' astronaut who followed all the rules... Wally Schirra was the 'Bab Boy Space Rebel'. He was also even better looking and charismatic in person. This need to never give in and push the envelope beyond all proven limits is what made him great and inspirational and I always thought this quality along with the ability to hold his liquor and tell a good joke is what grafted a life long friendship between him and my dad. They remained great friends long after Mercury and NASA and it was wonderful seeing he'd not changed over the years as I sat across from him at my dad's retirement party in the 70s.

It was also Wally Schirra who defied the process of blowing the hatch of his capsule at sea and insisted instead to stay in the capsule until it was air lifted from the ocean water and deposited soundly on board the carrier's deck. This was to prove a point in defense of his friend and fellow astronaut, Gus Grissom. Gus' capsule had sunk after the hatch blew too soon. It was dad who made the nerve racking, final call after Gus was safely air lifted into the hovering heli to let the capsule, Freedom Bell 7, sink. It was rapidly filling with water and dangerously close to pulling the helicopter attempting to salvage it into the drink. Dad finally said, "Let it go" and then immediately ran to the Captain's bridge to survey the maps to see where it would land on the ocean floor. His heart sank right along with the casule as he and the captain realized it would be forever lost to the deepest area of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida. Happily decades later with the same technology that found the Titanic it was also found. Dad found peace with making the call to allow it to sink as he knew all needed flight information had been relayed to Cape Canaveral and Gus was safe and sound.

It was dad who carried the weight and responsibility of making the call for both the letting go of Grissom's capsule to sink to the bottom of the ocean and then allowing Schirra to stay in his capsule until it was air lifted and deposited on board the carrier. The trust, friendship and camaraderie between Schirra and dad and also his buddy, Gus Grissom, as well as the other astronauts was very, very special. All were a very special breed of Space Pioneers. 

Great Time magazine article in memoriam of Wally Schirra:

When Wally Schirra Said, "Go to Hell"

Monday, January 30, 2017

Mom's Recipes

Can we just go back in time? What is happening in our country is abhorrent and I am grateful my parents are not alive to see all they fought for in WWII slowly being destroyed by the fascist, illegitimate regime that has taken over our country. Needing some salve for the heart and mind and wishing for a more peaceful time in history I decided to post this memory on my Moon Child blog. Hope it brings you a thimble of comfort.


Bought a great little cookbook cabinet this week. Had searched for one for years and gave up... then this last week one just popped up and now it sits in my kitchen area. I'll be painting it soon and just ordered eclectic glass pulls for the doors. As I loaded my cookbooks into their new home I came across my mom's stacks and stacks of recipes. I knew they were there... just could not dive into that deep pool for all these years. I don't ever remember mom using an official cookbook. Yet she had stacks and stacks and stacks of pamphlets from the local butcher or grocery store and very cool hand clipped recipes from the newspaper ... as a result I spent the day traveling back in time.

Over 16 years since you've been gone mom. Just couldn't bring myself to read all your recipes and hand written notes until now. Maybe that's why this great little cookbook cabinet crossed my path. It was time... time to heal... time to feel close to you again. So nice to feel you here with me today... your presence... your smile... the scent of you... your patient love. There were many recipes from your friends too, who I remember from childhood. I could see you all visiting at coffee clutches and pot luck parties, balancing plates of food on your knees while you laughed, talked and polished off each others creations. Everyone always so willing to share their recipes, some arriving with prepared, manually typed, personalized, kitchen index cards. Most though are clipped from newspapers or are neatly hand written. Like a finger print on my heart there is something so special about coming across the handwriting of someone you love who is now gone from this earth.

Today it was the late 60s and early 70s and I sat with you, mom, once more in the turquoise kitchen of the vacation trailer at the river while you sipped your coffee and clipped recipes. I could smell and taste your yummy home cooked meals of love... some now still my 'go to' comfort foods. Was it the bountiful, wonderful smells and taste or the love you poured into each meal that made them each so scrumptious? Some recipes I read brought happy smiles and wonderment. Fruitcake? Sooooo many recipes for fruitcake and beer bread.

Fond memories flooded in of your care packages in the 80s filled with all sorts of sweet breads at Christmas time. Dad had passed on... you were filling your time staying busy doing holiday baking. Then arrived at my place with piles and piles of small and large loaves of cranberry-orange, banana, pumpkin and zucchini breads and, yes, fruitcake. Each carefully wrapped with tidy aluminum foil. Then when I shared them with friends they fell apart as I cut into them... crumbling completely... as you had forgotten to add the eggs. We laughed so much over that one. You were grieving... I got it. I remember saying, "That's ok... they have great flavor! I can think of something to do with the remainder." Then got creative... nothing gone to waste.

Thank you for always thinking of others. Yes... I miss you.... forever. Thank you for the treasured memories... salve for the heart. Thanks for spending the day with me. It was a very good day.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Don't miss out...

this offer good until July31, 2016!

30% off Moon Child: Growing Up NASA and No Shipping charges!
Do you have your vacation summer reading materials? Be sure to include this uplifting book! You won't be disappointed!


Just go to Paypal and use email:

This offer good for USA sales only.

If you live outside the USA contact me at the same email and we can work out a discount with shipping charges to your part of the world.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Moon Child Friends!

Here it is...

The video of many Moon Child friends!

Thank you for all your picture submissions and your support! It's such a blessing to hear from so many of you who read the book. Your wonderful comments and reviews are such a blessing. God bless each and every one of you to the moon and back! 

It was a joy making this video and I hope it brings a smile to your day. Enjoy!

*Germany has blocked the video due to a copyright on one of the songs so there will be another version soon for all the Germany and European friends who submitted their pics.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Get Your Book HERE! Join the Conversation!

Have you purchased your Moon Child: Growing Up NASA book yet?

If not... Don't miss out on a great read! 

For those who would like to own a signed copy... you can order a signed book directly from the author, Betty Byrnes, by sending $22 (includes shipping) for USA orders only to Paypal using this email:

Just include your mailing address with your Paypal payment and the name of the person the book is for or any other special request for the inscription you would like written.


Are you outside the USA and would like to purchase a signed copy?

Just email me, Betty Byrnes, at and we will talk about the shipping charges to your country.


OR you can easily and quickly purchase your copy directly at this Moon Child Amazon Link


Good News! For those in Canada who have asked about purchasing the book... as of Oct 8, 2015 it is now available in Canada on the new website. Price automatically converts from US dollars to Canadian dollars.

Canadians get your copy here
Moon Child Amazon - Canada Link


Join in the Conversation... and get your book NOW!

Face Book says that on March 3, 2016... 30,077 people were talking about Moon Child: Growing Up NASA... it's a Good Read! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


you can LISTEN to the interview and discussion on March 11, 2015 about Moon Child: Growing Up NASA with myself and Cyrus Webb on #ConversationsLIVE blogtalk radio... at the link below

I share what it was like to write the book and relive the childhood memories of the 50's and 60's, about childhood rebellion and the great tenacity for life my parents passed on to us, and about how exciting it was to watch the first moon landing with my father... and more.

Cyrus Webb, it was such a pleasure and joy to spend some time talking with you. Thank you for making me feel so comfortable.



Book Reviews!!

~~~ Cyrus Webb - Conversations Book Club
Author Betty Byrnes' MOON CHILD reminds us that we are all growing, learning and exploring in this thing called life

Sometimes when you are just living your life you don't realize the "bigger picture" that you are a part of. All you can do if you are fortunate is appreciate the moment and then reflect on it later to see the blessings and the lessons you have had along the way.

I was reminded of this when I read MOON CHILD by author Betty Byrnes. The book is not only about Betty's father and his life while working with NASA. It's about coming of age and coming into yourself, becoming the person you were meant to be. Yes, we see Betty's life as she moved around and enjoyed the experiences of having a father who was respected and admired. But we also get to see her enjoying new jeans and a new craze started with the fast food chain McDonalds---and her exerting her independence and a bit of rebellion as kids do.

In the end, though, the book is about the power of dreams and how when you work hard and bring yourself fully to life you can achieve great things. I also feel as though readers will appreciate the sense of family that comes through, and what it means to enjoy the simple times and little things, because once they are gone all you have are the memories.

MOON CHILD reminds us that we are all here growing, learning and exploring----and hopefully at the end of the day we will leave behind a life with meaning.


~~~  Brenda McDonald - Texas
I love Betty Byrnes' autobiography about her wonderful and adventurous life ...

I love Betty Byrnes' autobiography about her wonderful and adventurous life traveling with her family while her father served as the first manager of the NASA Space Research Center in Houston! It brought about sweet memories of being in elementary school and being filed into the cafeteria one by one to watch NASA's rockets take off into space! How exciting it is for me that in the future I would personally know the daughter of the man who is partly responsible for sending man to the moon! Betty's memories of her childhood are so endearing and I revel in the fact that she can remember so many intimate little details about her life, even down to a rug that she used to lie on in the living room floor to watch the rockets being launched and watching newscasts regarding the event, and how proud she was of her father! This book is just precious! I laughed, I cried, I love books that can move me either way! 'Thank you, Betty, for taking us through this journey with you!' She talks about possibly writing another book in the future and I will be waiting anxiously to read that one as well! Godspeed Betty!


~~~ Marcela Torres - Argentina:

My dear Betty... it was absolutely amazing.
 Your book took me to places I have never been before.
 I shed tears... I smiled... sometimes I was in total awe.
 Thank you for this wonderful gem.
 You are an amazing writer... storyteller.
 Thanks for sharing with us this story. Your story.
 Your childhood. Loved it.
 Waiting for your next book.


~~~ Susan Brookes - United Kingdom

a Wonderful and True account of a middle class family in ...

Endearing, Charming and Magical......... I have just finished reading this wonderful and true account of a middle class family in Post War America which takes the reader back to a gentler era and re-ignites many memories of times past that hold a gentle and special charm. A wonderful, tender and nostalgic journey shared and told through the memories of a little girl. I have been privileged to have had that " little girl " as my friend for the last five years, we met, as did so many others, through our mutual love and respect for Michael, following his passing. Betty shares her life's journey with us........ and what a journey it has been. There were parts where I laughed and others where I cried........ a beautiful recollection of exploits, adventures and events written with Compassion and Love by " the little girl " whose love for her Daddy shines through every page..........
a thoroughly, recommended read. Loved It!


~~~ Junko - Los Angeles, California

Dear Betty...
... You have a gift for words and I'm so thrilled you have expressed them through this amazing accomplishment. Keep writing Betty! I'd love to read the next one!


~~~ BJ "Beajay" - New York
There's nothing like curling up to a book that warms your heart

I am really enjoying this book! The author brings me back to moments in time that pull me into my own nostalgic memories! There's nothing like curling up to a book that warms your heart, enlightens your mind, and fulfills an ache for remembrance. I want to thank Betty Byrnes for doing just that!


~~~ Rachel Gillard-Tew - New Zealand
A great read that pulls you into the life of Betty ...

A great read that pulls you into the life of Betty and the experiences of her childhood. She describes the neighbourhood so wonderfully that you are gently transported and immersed into her world and the various challenges and memories that she and her family experience. The story flows wonderfully from chapter to chapter and engaged me from the beginning, allowing me to walk the shoes of an extraordinary girl.


~~~ RCA - California

An American Story-a Must Read

Moon Child is a touching, tender, and interesting perspective of history through the eyes of a child -- I loved the descriptions of the simplest of things as autos, neighborhoods, and the passion for family, history and a unique view of the space program that touched all Americans -- share this book with your friends and family -- a must read.


~~~  Kathleen Guzman - New Jersey

I highly recommend this nostalgic book to all baby boomers out there. The book was written by a friend who takes us on her journey as a child growing up in a much simpler time... in the 50's and 60's. The story depicts a young child and her experiences as she travels across country with her family and her father who was a true pioneer of the NASA Space Program during its initial launching. The author take us through chronological events and her delightful experiences from one state to another as she finally settles in the state she now calls home... as well as some of the interesting people and events along the way. The author's use of humor adds to this lighthearted story about her life... one does not have to be a baby boomer to enjoy this delightful book....


~~~ Angela - Texas

Betty does an excellent job capturing middle class America in the 50s and 60s. She takes me back to a time when the country was excited about the space program and we were still innocent in our thinkings and doings.


~~~ Bonnie - Boston

Highly recommend book!

This book is written by Betty Byrnes who is a phenomenal woman. I highly recommend this book. Great job Betty!

- Bonnie /


~~~ Karen Stenback - California

A good read....

I loved reading this book. Betty writes about her growing up years from a perspective that is unique - she is the child of a father who, while not an astronaut, was among the chosen few who were 'at the controls' during the early years of NASA. Through a daughter's eyes, we get a glimpse of what it was like to be part of the NASA family during this special time in American history - they were special people with great responsibility. Betty writes about what this experience was like for her, growing up as an insider family member. Her story is personal and political. Colloquial in style, she writes from her heart, which gives this book a special charm. Her writing is sincere and unaffected. It is a good read.


~~~ John Curran - New York
 Well Done!

A story that reminds us why Tom Brokaw called the generation of Betty's parents the "Greatest Generation". The generation that honored Country, Church and Family above all else and didn't think twice about it. Betty tells of growing up in the 1950s & 60s, like I did, and sent me down memory lane, reminding me of things I hadn't thought about in many years. This was also an exciting time in space exploration and we all gathered around the TV to watch every new launch, we couldn't get enough of NASA. Martin A Byrnes Jr. notes gives us some insight into the behind the scenes goings on at NASA. Thank you, Betty!


~~~ K. Adams - Nebraska

 This was a great read! I had the pleasure of meeting Marty & Katie years ago and they were just a wonderful, loving couple. They would have been so thrilled by this beautiful tribute from their daughter. This is truly worth your time.


~~~ Petticoatwriter - New York
Loved this book
Brought back a lot of memories when I was growing up. Very well written. So much info shared regarding her dad's involvement in space program. A must read not only for space fans but for all. Good for you Betty, wonderful book.


All Amazon Reviews